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What to Do During a Cold Snap (And I’m Not Talking About the Weather)
When your partner’s irritable all the time
Cold snaps, when your partner’s moody, can happen at any time of the year. If your beloved’s short-tempered, you are likely to share their misery — it’s hard to be happy when one of the people you’re closest to is glum all the time. Especially if they take their dismal outlook out on you.
People become crabby for various reasons, and why they develop a gloomy outlook matters. It counts because if you know the cause of your malaise, you can treat it. Left uncovered, though, irritability can escalate or simmer under the surface of a calm demeanor, waiting to spill forth.
Your reaction when your partner snaps at your heels might be to fight back or stay out of their way. Nobody enjoys being around someone who picks quarrels with them or has a low tolerance for minor indiscretions.
If your partner gets angry when you make the slightest noise or simply because you are in the same room, you know something’s wrong. Rather than imagining you are at fault or your unusually pleasant beloved has transformed into a genuine ogre, seek a reason for the behavior you dislike.
Snappy people have a short fuse when they feel super-sensitive. Mostly, there’s an underlying…