✔Save Your Relationship with These Conscious Awareness Tips
You may have hit a roadblock, but it can be overcome
Are you at your wit’s end with your relationship? If the connection with your partner is falling apart, but you believe it’s worth saving, increasing your conscious awareness can help.
Most people are conscious of building their careers, improving their homes, and even landscaping their gardens, but they sleepwalk through their relationships.
They hope everything will turn out well even though they haven’t got a plan. If you behaved like that in your backyard, weeds would rule. The same is true for your relationship. Apply conscious awareness, and you can clear problems and increase healthy growth.
What’s a conscious relationship?
Consciousness is about recognizing what’s going on in your relationship. When you are conscious, you know if weeds of dissatisfaction take seed and can replace them with something more satisfying. Instead of swallowing unmet needs and growing resentment, you realize there’s a necessity to communicate. You and your partner share the same goals and agree about what you want from the relationship, and work toward making it special.
Where to begin?
Your relationship might be full of bitterness at present, leaving you lonely. To get back on track and reclaim your partner as your best friend, you’ll benefit from boosting communication. Rebuild the connection with regular frank discussions that result in positive action.
First, get your partner on your side. Find common ground by agreeing you both want to make your relationship work and will do what it takes to succeed. Once you come to this understanding, you’ll plant the seed of trust. Also, a sense of solidarity will be apparent.
Create a consciousness-raising plan
Grow together with conscious awareness. Aim to be mindful of your treatment of one another and communicate when plans are met and when they go awry. Schedule quality time to assess your relationship and make adjustments where they’re required.
Spend quality time alone too. Connecting with your feelings and needs is vital to communicate them to your partner. Get in touch with your emotional state and be clear about what you want to happen or stop occurring in your relationship.
In the past, you’ve built animosity and sadness, and your mind has returned to unhappy recollections. Going over resentment deepened rifts. Now, have fun together. It’s important to share good times and create happy memories.
Have separate interests and those you share. Couples who keep some of their own friends and hobbies aside from their partner are often happier than those who live in one another’s pockets. Wise Lebanese poet and philosopher Kahlil Gibran recommended couples “stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.”
Listen to each other. Even when you disagree, let the other talk freely and be silent until it’s your turn to speak. Doing so will build respect and aid the expression of emotions. Practicing will help you share understanding and develop patience.
Own your feelings
Couples who fight blame one another for their emotions. No one can make you feel anything though. Your feelings stem from your perspective rather than your partner. If you agree to take responsibility for your emotional welfare, you’ll take the burden from elsewhere. Of course, your partner needs to do likewise. As a result, you will embark on a journey of personal growth and tend to your relationship wisely.
Hug more
A loving touch can improve relationship health. Hugs and non-sexual caresses, and cuddles reinforce closeness and warmth. Engage in physical affection daily and boost togetherness. As well as hugs, shoulder, feet, and neck massages will do the trick. Bathing together and lovingly washing one another will boost intimacy and compassion too.
Be kind
The bond between children and parents isn’t just genetic; it comes from loving actions. Caring for someone, even a pet, enhances compassion and forges connections. Be kind to one another. Carry out several thoughtful actions a day, like cooking your partner’s favorite meal or doing a necessary task he/she doesn’t enjoy carrying out.
Tips to boost conscious awareness
Conscious awareness, although natural, is a skill. Everyone’s so used to considering what they need to do next or what’s happened that they don’t dwell in the present for long. When you are consciously aware, you refrain from repeating old problems in your mind or worrying about the future of your relationship. You adjust your focus when it slips, so it remains on the here and now.
Present-moment consciousness stops you and your partner from reproaching one another for past slights. You need not air old issues to bring about change. Just talk about what you want rather than what you don’t want, and the conversation will be positive and rewarding.
When you focus on the moment, you free yourself from concerns. You stop second-guessing what could go wrong and work on making things right in the present, where your actions count. Agree to do so together, and you’ll share the same goal and unite in your behaviors.
Additionally, practice the art of acceptance. Mindfully tune into the caring part of you that doesn’t need approval or take umbrage no matter what’s said and teach your partner to treat you the same way.
When you need to respond without being judgmental in a conversation, practice heart coherence. Take slow, even breaths, imagining they move in and out of your heart. At the same time, think about how your partner means more to you than any of their opinions you find disagreeable. Consequently, calmness and acceptance will grow.
You may have hit a roadblock, but it can be overcome. Bring conscious awareness to your relationship to save the day. Doing so will help to rebuild a shared connection and provide a solid foundation for happy times in the future.