It’s Best to Choose Seeds Consciously

Or you’ll grow something you don’t want

✨ Bridget Webber
2 min readFeb 22, 2019

“What’s in the envelope?” my husband asked.


“Yes, I can see that. But what type of seeds?”

“Can’t remember. I knew when I put them in there.”

“But you don’t know now.”


I’m sure I imagined I’d never forget the kind of seeds I placed in the envelope when I carried out the deed. Later though, after moving house, I had no idea.

“They’re coming up!” I exclaimed, excited to see what they would become, having planted them out of curiosity.

After their emergence, we checked them every day. I even looked at them morning and evening.

Eventually, they grew into we know not what, and I recalled how I had collected the seeds from an unidentified plant I thought might have potential.

“Maybe they will sprout blooms and attract butterflies,” I’d pondered as I filled the envelope.

The plants we grew, however, didn’t do any such thing. Indeed, visitors told me they were weeds.

Nonetheless, having watched them grow, I was attached to them and wouldn’t let them go.



✨ Bridget Webber

Former counselor. Spiritual growth, compassion, mindfulness, creativity, and psychology. Support me at