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Spiritual Growth
5 Sure Signs of Spiritual Progression
If you can’t see them yet, don’t worry. They will arise if you stay on the path
Are you waking up or more spiritually sleepy than you thought? Either way, it doesn’t matter as we all progress in our own time, and no superiority is involved. However, it’s normal to want to know whether you’re on the right track and if your experiences are normal as you seek a closer relationship to enlightenment. The following are sure signs of spiritual progression.
Your kleshas are calming down
In Lion’s Roar, Buddhist nun Pema Chodron says that diminishing kleshas (“the strong conflicting emotions that spin off and heighten when we get caught by aversion and attraction”) shows progress in meditation. The idea suggests that waning kleshas indicates a shift toward awakening.
I’ve met many spiritual seekers who seem advanced. They speak calmly. They are wise and gentle. Yet, these beautiful qualities change when they get hooked by extreme emotions. Politics, relationships, and other sources of conflict are like shiny minnows on fishing hooks. Lured by them, the individuals regress.
I’m not completely free of attraction and repulsion to lures. However, my kleshas are tamer…